A Comparative Clinical Evaluation of Surgical Blade Abrasion and Partial Thickness Flap as Treatment Modalities for Gingival Pigmentation.
Gingival hyperpigmentation is a major esthetic concern for many people, although it is not a medical problem, many people complain of dark gums as unesthetic. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure that removes or reduces hyperpigmented gingiva. Various methods like scalpel, free gingival autografts, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, and abrasion with diamond bur gingival hyperpigmentation is a major esthetic concern for many people, although it is not a medical problem, many people complain of dark gums as unesthetic. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure that removes or reduces hyperpigmented gingiva. Various methods like scalpels, free gingival autografts, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, abrasion with diamond bur, and various types of lasers have been used for cosmetic therapy of gingival melanin pigmentation. This article compare the efficacy of gingival melanin depigmentation done by excision with a surgical blade using scarping and partial thickness flap technique. and various types of lasers have been used for cosmetic therapy of gingival melanin pigmentation. This article compares the efficacy of gingival melanin depigmentation done by excision with a surgical blade using scarping and partial thickness flap technique.
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