UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2025-02-12T10:17:20+0530 PROF M K JINDAL [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>( An official publication of Aligarh Muslim University)</strong></p> Salivary Gland Scintigraphy: Advancing Diagnostic Precision in Salivary Gland Disorders 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Prof. Anshul Aggarwal [email protected] 2025-01-16T13:16:43+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Evaluating the Efficacy of Concept Maps as a Learning Aid among Dental Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Ruchi Nagpal [email protected] Sonam Jain [email protected] Pratibha Taneja [email protected] Charu Mohan Marya [email protected] Sakshi Kataria [email protected] Shubhangi Thakur [email protected] Pratibha Taneja [email protected] <p><strong>Background: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Healthcare professionals, particularly dental students, face numerous challenges throughout their education and clinical practice. In India, dental education spans four years, covering 19 subjects, followed by a one-year clinical internship. Despite the interconnectedness of concepts across these subjects, students often struggle to integrate knowledge, resulting in gaps in applying theory to clinical practice. This study hypothesizes that using concept maps as a learning aid can enhance students' learning capabilities. While concept maps have been studied in other fields, evidence in dental education is limited.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><strong>Aim: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">The present study was conducted to assess the efficacy of Concept Maps (CM) as a learning tool among students enrolled in the BDS course at a dental college.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> The present study was a parallel design randomized controlled trial conducted to evaluate the efficacy of concept maps as a learning aid among dental students. A total of 77 subjects were recruited from third-year BDS students. For baseline assessment, 66 students attended common lectures. After exclusions, the scores of the remaining 50 subjects were analyzed. In GROUP I, subjects were given an additional lecture about concept maps as a learning aid, whereas in GROUP II, no additional lecture was given. Initially, there were 39 subjects in GROUP I (concept map group) and 38 subjects in GROUP II (control group). After the first assessment, there were 30 subjects in GROUP I and 27 subjects in GROUP II. After the 2nd assessment, there were 25 subjects in both groups.</span></p> <p><strong>Results: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Concept maps were found to aid deeper learning compared to the conventional note-taking method.</span></p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">From the present study, it can be concluded that concept mapping can be an effective study strategy for dental students, helping them to learn, organize information, and retrieve it more effectively.</span></p> <p><strong>Key words: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">anticariogenic mechanism, concept map, dental students, fluoride</span></p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Comparative Evaluation of Fracture Resistance of Fractured Denture Base Repaired by Heat Cure Acrylic Resin Reinforced by Woven Glass Fiber 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 SHAMBADITYA PAHARI [email protected] SREETAMA TARAPHDAR [email protected] ANUMITA MANNA [email protected] SANJOY DAS [email protected] <p>The repair of fractured denture bases is a common clinical challenge in prosthodontics practice. The study aimed to compare the fracture resistance of fractured denture bases repaired using heat cure acrylic resin alone versus heat cure acrylic resin reinforced by woven glass fiber. A total of 160 fractured denture bases were repaired using each technique and subjected to a series of standardized fracture resistance tests. The fracture resistance was measured and the results were statistically analyzed. The findings revealed that denture bases repaired with heat cure acrylic resin reinforced by woven glass fiber exhibited significantly higher fracture resistance compared to those repaired with acrylic resin. These results underscore the potential of incorporating woven glass fiber reinforcement in denture base repair protocols to enhance fracture resistance and improve clinical outcomes.</p> 2024-10-28T12:07:14+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Dr. Effectiveness Of Periorbital Eye Massager Versus Aculief Acupressure Device for Reducing Anxiety In Children During Pit And Fissure Sealant Application. 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 NIKITA RAJKUMAR DUSEJA [email protected] RACHANA BAHUGUNA [email protected] ADNAN AHMED [email protected] SUMEDH VEERKHARE [email protected] <p>Background/Purpose: To assess the impact of an aculief acupressure device on reducing dental anxiety in children, and to compare its efficacy with that of a periorbital eye massager.</p> <p>Objective: To mitigate stress and dental anxiety in children aged four to seven years, by means of a periorbital eye massager or LI4 acupressure device during dental treatment.</p> <p>Methods: In this study, thirty children aged between four and seven years, who require pit and fissure sealant application, will be selected. These children will be divided into two groups: Group I will use a Periorbital Eye Massager (PEM), and Group II will use an Aculif Acupressure Device. After receiving instructions on how to use the devices, the participants will undergo dental treatment. Anxiety levels in both groups will be measured before and during the dental treatment using an Animated Emoji Scale (AES) and a pulse oximeter. The collected data will be analysed using the Student t-test.</p> <p>Result: - Upon comparing the mean scores of both groups, the differences were not statistically significant. This was true for both the AES as a measure of subjective anxiety and HR as a measure of objective anxiety. These findings suggest that while both interventions resulted in similar levels of anxiety during treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion: - Neither the periorbital eye massager Nor the Aculief acupressure device demonstrated a statistically significant advantage in reducing anxiety</p> 2024-11-02T09:49:46+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Cephalometric Evaluation of Lip Strain and Nasolabial Angle Changes Following Orthodontic Treatment with First Premolar Extractions 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Dr Saveri Katragadda [email protected] Yasawini pudi [email protected] Dr KIRAN KUMAR DODDA [email protected] Dr Jhansi Rani Bitra [email protected] <p><em>Background: </em>Orthodontics aims to correct malocclusions for improved aesthetics, function, and structural balance. Extraction of teeth, particularly first premolars, is often necessary to gain space for treating crowding, proclination, and sagittal discrepancies. This is especially relevant in cases like bimaxillary protrusion, where extraction enhances facial aesthetics by reducing lip procumbency. Lip strain and nasolabial angle, key considerations in treatment planning, are influenced by incisor retraction. However, the correlation between these factors remains debated across different ethnicities. <em>Aim: </em>To evaluate and compare changes in the nasolabial angle and lip thickness before and after orthodontic treatment in bimaxillary protrusion cases treated with first premolar extractions. <em>Materials:</em> A retrospective cephalometric study was conducted on 50 adult patients with bimaxillary protrusion treated with first premolar extractions. Pre- and post-treatment lateral cephalograms were evaluated. The sample included Angles Class I malocclusion and proclined incisors, treated with pre adjusted edgewise appliances. Lip strain and nasolabial angle were measured using standard cephalometric tracing techniques. Statistical analysis was conducted using a paired t-test. <em>Results: </em>The results showed significant changes in both lip strain and nasolabial angle following orthodontic treatment. Overall, both male and female participants exhibited reductions in lip strain and increases in nasolabial angle, with statistical significance (p&lt;0.05). Lip strain changes were more pronounced in females (p&lt;0.001) compared to males , while nasolabial angle changes were highly significant for both genders (p&lt;0.005).<em>Conclusion: </em>Significant enhancements in nasolabial angle and lip strain were observed following orthodontic treatment, with more pronounced soft tissue changes in female participants.</p> <p>Keywords : Cephalometrics, Lip strain, Nasolabial angle, orthodontics.</p> 2024-11-05T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Assessment of Caries Experience and the Associated Factors Among the Patients Attending a Dental Hospital in Bhilai. 2025-02-11T10:17:39+0530 Karnika yadav Yadav [email protected] Pramod Kumar Yadav [email protected] Sumit Kumar [email protected] Priyanka Yadav [email protected] Balkrishn Gaur [email protected] Prativa Dhamala [email protected] <p><strong>Aim</strong> The aim of this study was to assess the caries experience and the associated factors among the patients. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This cross-sectional study was conducted in outpatient department of Rungta College of Dental Sciences and Research department of Community Dentistry among 429 patients (260 female and 169 male) between 18-60 years. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part consisted of socio-demographic details of participants (age, sex, education, occupation, religion, marital status and residence). The second part consisted of six questions related to dental caries and associated factors. Data analysis was done by using SPSS 16 version Anova and t test were used.<strong> Results:</strong> Out of total 429 participants, 67.1% know about dental caries. About 99.3%participants had tooth-brushing habit. Nearly 60.1% participants brushed their teeth once per day. Around 74.64% used tooth brush in morning before breakfast. Ninety-six percent consume sugary food and 44.4% consumed sugary food sometimes. Association between Gender and dmft has not significant with p value .648 similarly consumption with sugary food and tooth brushing habits p value has not significant is .455 and .608. <strong>Conclusion </strong>Health promotion about oral hygiene and integration of services are important for the prevention of dental caries.</p> 2024-12-19T13:00:13+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Mucocele- A Case series 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 DAMINI [email protected] <p>Mucoceles arises from mucous secretion accumulation due to trauma or lip biting habits, or minor salivary gland alterations. Histologically categorized into extravasation and retention types, they can manifest in various oral regions, although they predominantly occur in the lips. Treatment modalities include surgical excision, &nbsp;marsupialization, cryosurgery, steroid injections and CO2 laser. The surgical excision performed in this study yielded favorable outcomes, as described in medical literature .Follow-up assessments revealed no recurrence rates and any other complications. Understanding the characteristicsis of oral mucocele is&nbsp; essential for accurate diagnosis and effective management</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-11T11:34:16+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Pyknodysostosis : A case report with review of literature 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Tarun Vyas [email protected] Ashaka Gajera [email protected] Ravi Gadhiya [email protected] Shailaja Sankireddy [email protected] <p>The postnatal emergence of short limbs, small stature, and global hyperostosis, combined with acro-osteolysis with sclerosis of the terminal phalanges, are the hallmarks of a rare autosomal recessive ailment called pyknodysostosis. This condition is virtually pathognomonic. The wormian bones, obtuse mandibular gonial angle with relative mandibular prognathism, persistence of fontanelles, delayed closure of sutures, and absence of frontal sinuses are other characteristics. Here, we describe a case of pyknodysostosis that was discovered to exhibit the traditional characteristics both during the general physical examination and intraoral examination.</p> 2024-10-21T09:16:18+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma: A Comprehensive Exploration Through a Striking Case Report 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 DR. RASHI MANDLIK [email protected] <p>Cemento-ossifying fibroma (COsF) is a benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumor. The origin of COsF occurs within the periodontal ligament, housing multipotent stem cells capable of generating cementum, lamellar bone, and/or fibrous tissue. This case report of a 35-year-old male reported swelling in the left lower posterior jaw region over the past year. The objective of this report is to provide clinicians and researchers with insights into the diagnostic challenges, treatment modalities, and the evolving landscape of COF, facilitating improved patient management and furthering the discourse on this intriguing maxillofacial pathology.</p> 2024-10-23T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Management of irritational fibroma with LASER & photo-biomodulation: A case report 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Yasir Khan [email protected] PRASOON PURWAR [email protected] Shipra Tiwari [email protected] HIMANI TRIPATHI [email protected] <p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p>Traumatic or irritational fibroma is a benign exophytic tumour or neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue origin that can be considered a reactionary connective tissue hyperplasia in response to trauma and irritation. They are clinically marked by solid well-demarcated rounded, sessile, or pedunculated growths covered by normal mucosa and&nbsp;are a&nbsp;relatively uncommon lesion. Local trauma can generate ulceration of these lesions. They are usually seen on the maxillary gingival margin but can appear on any intra-oral site. These lesions are more common in adults. Simple, complete excision and removal of the cause of irritation are the preferred treatment. The&nbsp;use of LASER in&nbsp;different dental procedures has become very common and preferred treatment modality. LASER has obvious&nbsp;benefits for all the&nbsp;patients without administering anaesthetic shots and that&nbsp;means less time spent&nbsp;in the dental&nbsp;chair. Procedures were performed more conservatively, with less trauma for patients. The excision of the fibroma with the diode laser is a safe, quick&nbsp;procedure, with minimum postoperative discomfort and complications. This paper reports the management of a gingival fibroma in&nbsp;a 21-year-old male with 940 nm diode LASER followed by photo-biomodulation for enhanced healing.</p> 2024-11-02T09:55:42+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Macroglossia Secondary to Amyloidosis: A Case Report 2025-02-11T10:18:30+0530 inam uddin [email protected] <p>Macroglossia is a considered a pathognomonic sign of AL amyloidosis. In the absence of an infective or neoplastic/infiltrative etiology, a clinician must be quick to divert his/her attention to amyloidosis as a cause. Ruling out concurrent multiple myeloma in such cases is also of paramount importance. Prompt diagnosis would lead to early institution of appropriate therapy. We present a case of macroglossia secondary to amyloidosis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-02T12:52:08+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Unusual Presentation of a Huge Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma – A Case Report 2025-02-11T10:17:56+0530 Arpan Manna [email protected] <p>Amongst all the carcinoma, malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands, Mucoepidermoid carcinomas holds the most common malignant neoplasm comprising of approximately 15.5% of all the cases. It most commonly involves the parotid gland. It usually occurs in middle- aged people with slightly female predilection. Mandible is more commonly involved as compared to the maxilla. Treatment modalities mainly depends on the severity and grade of the tumor as well as the adequacy of resection. The purpose of this case report is to emphasize the clinical features, radiographic features, diagnosis and the treatment modalities of Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-19T12:51:36+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Oral Rehabilitation of a Child with Ectodermal Dysplasia: A Case Report 2025-02-12T10:17:20+0530 Imam Azam [email protected] <p>Ectodermal dysplasia is a congenital disorder affecting multiple body parts, dominating oral cavity leading to multiple missing teeth. Dental professionals are the one who encounter the disease at early stage. They can minimize the aesthetic, functional, social and psychological impairment by simple oral rehabilitation of the patient. This case report is a story of 4 year old child suffering with Ectodemal dysplasia with missing maxillary and mandibular teeth that was rehabilitated with removable complete denture.</p> 2025-01-13T10:27:49+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Climate change and your smile: unveiling the oral health impacts of global warming- a scoping review 2025-01-16T14:05:55+0530 Nadeer T [email protected] Saveen NS [email protected] Akhil S [email protected] Harris KT [email protected] <p>Background: Global warming, a major public health hazard, is affecting oral health globally. Climate change, including temperature extremes, UV radiation, dietary changes, water scarcity, and socioeconomic impacts, is causing oral health issues. &nbsp;The purpose of this review is to assess the effect of global warming&nbsp; in oral cavity at the moment.</p> <p>&nbsp;Methods: A thorough search for research published between 2000 and 2024 was done using various online data bases. Relevant studies were identified, screened, and included in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta‑Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines standards as per the selection criterion.</p> <p>Results: A total of 45 studies satisfied the requirements for inclusion. Significant findings show that global warming plays an important role in oral infections.</p> <p>Conclusion: Vulnerable communities are most affected, necessitating technical advancements, international collaboration, and integrated public health strategies to maintain accessible dental care systems to combat the effects of global warming.</p> 2024-10-17T11:03:11+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Paradigm Shift In Professionally Applied Fluoride Therapies For Arresting Caries : A Scoping Review 2025-02-11T10:18:13+0530 Mallika Arora [email protected] Riya Gupta [email protected] Aayushi Sangal [email protected] Mousumi Goswami [email protected] <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Fluoride has become an important tool in preventive dentistry. There is a scientific consensus regarding the benefit of an early optimum exposure to fluoride during the formative years of teeth, by maintaining a constant supply of low levels of fluoride, especially at the biofilm/saliva/ tooth interface in preventing dental caries. There has been an ongoing&nbsp;research&nbsp;to discover methods for enhancing fluoride effectiveness. For several years, toothpaste, mouth rinses, gels, varnishes, and other forms of fluoride treatment have been widely utilised as caries-preventive measures. The limited availability of fluoride from these agents has led to the advent of newer fluoride therapies in Pediatric Dentistry that aim to deliver fluoride over a longer period of time. The purpose of this scoping review is to highlight these advancements in professionally applied topical fluorides and to provide an insight into the paradigm shift in topical fluoride therapies that has occurred over the past decade.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Topical fluorides, silver diamine fluoride, dental caries, varnishes</p> 2024-12-12T12:29:52+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Use of nanomaterials in orthodontics 2025-02-11T10:17:23+0530 Raj Singh [email protected] Chetna chauhan [email protected] Swati Goyal [email protected] Dr Abhishek Shekhar [email protected] <p>Dentistry is revolutionised by introduction of newer materials and orthodontics is not an exception of it. Nanomaterials in orthodontics are now a days used from bonding materials to orthodontic wires. They not only modify the property of orthodontic bonding and enhancing the bond strength to decreasing friction of wires by nano coating reducing the force and thereby reducing side effects. Therefore this review article is aimed at covering all the nanomaterials uses in orthodontics.</p> 2024-12-19T13:07:34+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Orthodontic Extrusion- An Approach to Restore Aesthetics, A Case Report 2025-01-16T14:05:56+0530 Dr. Shipra Singhal [email protected] Dr. Abhinay Agarwal [email protected] Dr. Jyotsna Joshi [email protected] Dr. Mohammad Salman Akhtar [email protected] <p>Orthodontic extrusion, a novel procedure that can preserve an otherwise unsalvable tooth, restore one's confidence, and rehabilitate the aesthetics. It is opted for its rapid and obvious results. A certain amount of force is applied to the tooth's long axis and is subjected to stretching and repositioning in the periodontal fibres without shifting the bone, which leads to rapid extrusion of the tooth. Although intriguing, it may lead to failure due to its limitations.</p> 2024-10-26T12:27:35+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Shaping smiles with AI: a comprehensive review of artificial intelligence in orthodontics 2025-01-16T14:05:56+0530 Saveen Nellikottu Soman [email protected] Nadeer Thommancheri [email protected] Sajna Mankadavathu Puthenveetil [email protected] Amric Mukundan [email protected] Navedha Surendran [email protected] Akhil S [email protected] <p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 0in;"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">The application of artificial intelligence (AI) to orthodontics is transforming the discipline by making it possible to plan treatments, make diagnoses, and monitor patients with greater accuracy. The use of AI technologies in orthodontic practice, including computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning, is examined in this paper. Personalized therapy protocols, predictive modeling for treatment results, and automated cephalometric analysis are important areas of emphasis. Current issues including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the requirement for standardized data sets are explored alongside AI's promise to increase productivity, improve patient outcomes, and support clinical decision-making. The paper also provides a research roadmap and discusses current developments in AI-driven orthodontic tools. Orthodontics can gain from increased workflow automation and more accurate treatments by using AI into clinical practice.</span></p> 2024-12-02T12:33:50+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES A Case Report and Review of Literature on the usage of Platelet Rich Fibrin with Hydroxyapatite in An Infrabony Periodontal Defect 2025-01-16T14:05:56+0530 DEBARATI BHOWMICK [email protected] MOUMITA NAYEK [email protected] ARGHA RUDRA [email protected] VINEET NAIR [email protected] <p>A 37-year-old male patient reported to the Department of Periodontics, with the chief complaint of pain and sensitivity on the upper right posterior tooth region for the last six months. On clinical examination, a 6 mm probing pocket was found on the distal aspect of upper first premolar. The patient was then advised regenerative periodontal therapy with appropriate debridement, biomechanical preparation and filling of the defect with autogenous platelet rich fibrin (PRF) mixed with hydroxyapatite bone graft (HA). GTR membrane was placed and sutured with vicryl. Hence, it can be suggested that treatment of intrabony defects with PRF produces substantial enhancements of clinical parameters. HA thus when added to PRF augments the regenerative properties of PRF when used for the treatment of intrabony defects in periodontal diseases.</p> 2024-10-23T10:46:44+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Dr. “Prasadam” approach in pathology samples– Are we aware of the dangerous implications? 2025-01-17T12:16:58+0530 Shweta Rehani [email protected] <p>Grossing acts as the first step in the diagnostic journey provided a complete specimen is provided to the pathologist. It is the connecting link between the patient and the pathologist. However, sometimes the biopsy received by an oral pathologist is insufficient or inappropriate or from an unrepresentative site, which can lead to an erroneous diagnosis, leading to delay or at times wrong diagnosis. This article is to highlight such errors.</p> 2025-01-17T12:16:58+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES A Comparative study to assess the effectiveness of Video modelling through You Tube with other popular methods like tell-show-do technique and live modelling 2025-01-16T14:05:56+0530 Geetika Agrawal [email protected] <p><strong>Background: </strong></p> <p>Children usually respond to dental visits with some fear and anxiety. Delivery of effective dental treatment to a child patient requires thorough knowledge to recognize dental fear and its management by the application of behavioural management techniques. The present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of three nonpharmacologic behavior management techniques, Tell-Show-Do (TSD) technique, Live modeling and Video modelling through you tube videos in managing behaviour and dental anxiety in uncooperative children during dental treatment.</p> <p><strong>Material &amp; methods:</strong></p> <p>Forty-five children, age 3-8 years indicated for restorations were divided into three groups as per the behavior guidance technique namely tell-show-do, live modelling and video modelling. Children with Frankl behaviour rating 2 and 3 were selected for this study. The behaviour was assessed using Frankl behaviour rating scale and anxiety indicators–Facial Image Scale (FIS) scores were recorded pre and post treatment.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong></p> <p>Chi square test shows that the value of Frankl Behaviour Rating Scale and Facial Image Scale&nbsp; between pre and post treatment had a significant difference in all three groups i.e. Tell-Show-Do, Video modeling, Live modelling behaviour management technique. Anova test shows that the value of Frankl Behaviour Rating Scale and Facial Image Scale pre-treatment and post-treatment had statistically insignificant difference in all three groups.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong></p> <p>The study concluded that video modelling through YOU TUBE videos among 3-8 years old children was as effective as other conventional techniques to reduce anxiety and uncooperative behaviour in paediatric dental patients.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Video modelling; Behaviour management; Frankl Behaviour Rating.</p> 2024-10-11T11:40:14+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Restoration of endodontically treated tooth using BioHPP indirect restorative material: case series 2025-02-11T10:18:47+0530 Shefali Singla [email protected] Puneet Sahore [email protected] Manisha Khanna [email protected] Charnpreet Singh [email protected] <p>Endodontic therapy weakens the remaining tooth structure which demands their rehabilitation. Various treatment modalities exist for rehabilitation of severely debilitated endodontically treated tooth including Endocrown, Post and core and Richmond crown depending on the clinical situation. Post and core with Davies crown is a routine practice of rehabilitation of severely debilitated tooth. In endodontically treated tooth with inadequate inter-arch space, endocrown can be safely given, although, presence of atleast 2mm of circumferential enamel is necessary. In cases with inadequate inter-arch space and absence of adequate circumferential enamel, Richmond crown is indicated. Conventional materials for rehabilitation using these modalities have major disadvantage of their high modulous of elasticity which increases the chances of rehabilitation failure. BioHPP, a modified polyetheretherketone (PEEK) can safely replace the conventional materials because of striking advantage of its modulus of elasticity which is similar to that of tooth structure. This case series presents the clinical situation-based rehabilitation of endodontically treated tooth using BioHPP as restorative material. 1.5 years follow-up showed satisfactory results paving the way for higher success rates of endodontically treated tooth with BioHPP as material of choice.</p> 2024-12-02T12:46:31+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES