Effects of polymeric herbal gel on plaque and gingivitis a randomized controlled clinical trial
Effects of polymeric herbal gel on plaque and gingivitis a randomized controlled clinical tria.l’’
Dental diseases are recognized as major public health problem throughout the world. Numerous epidemiological studies showed that the diseases such as tooth decay and diseases of the periodontium are among the most common afflictions of mankind. Dental plaque plays a major role in the etiology of periodontal disease: and that there is a direct relationship between the presence of dental plaque and the development of gingivitis. Various synthetic chemical agents have been evaluated over the years with respect to their antimicrobial effect in oral cavity, however, all are associated with various side effects. Thus patients are going away of modern day medicines, and they prefer using herbal ayurvedic preparations which are efficient without causing any side effects. Hence the purpose of present study was to evaluate the effects of novel herbal polymeric gel on gingival inflammation clinically and microbiologically.
This was a split mouth clinical trial, designed for comparison of 3 treatment modalities, scaling, scaling plus novel herbal polymeric gel and only novel polymeric gel. Both sexes belonging to age group 18-55 years were included in the study. Plaque index, gingival index and gingival bleeding index were recorded at baseline, 7day, 14 day and 21 day. Microbiological assessment was done at baseline and 21 day.
Statistical analysis used: paired t test & ANOVA
Results: The results showed significant reduction in the clinical parameters within group. Between the groups, clinically there was more improvement in the group which received both scaling and topical application of herbal gel. There is significant reduction in microbial parameters from baseline to 21st day in a group which received both herbal gel and scaling.
Conclusions: Results confirmed that novel herbal polymeric gel is an effective agent for treating plaque induced gingivitis along with scaling, compared to only herbal gel application or scaling with least side effects. Further long term studies are needed to confirm effects of this gel on periodontal diseases.
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