Comparative Microscopic and Radiographic Evaluation of Proximal Marginal Integrity of CAD/CAM PMMA Crown and CAD/CAM Zirconia Monolithic Crown- An In-vitro Study

  • Dr diksha rajput Prosthodontist
  • dr anup vyas
  • dr sumeet jain
  • dr kavita maru
  • dr komal bhatia
  • Dr Smit Palan



Aim: to evaluate and compare proximal marginal integrity radiographically and microscopically of CAD/CAM PMMA crown and CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia crown.

Materials and methods: Fifteen maxillary or mandibular molar teeth with standardized anatomic preparation for provisional crown and monolithic zirconia crown were scanned with a 3-dimensional laboratory scanner. CAD/CAM crowns were designed 3-dimensionally using exocad software and then milled from presintered blocks in a milling machine. The proximal marginal integrity of CAD/CAM PMMA and monolithic zirconia crown were evaluated radiographically and microscopically. For radiographic evaluation, radiopaque dye is used to measured proximal marginal discrepancies on six reference points on PMMA crown. A digital microscope was used to measure the marginal discrepancies on six reference points on PMMA and zirconia crown. Photographs of the proximal marginal areas were captured at six reference lines at standardized orientation and placement of the samples. In all photographs margin was traced with the help of HiViewSetup software. The mean marginal discrepancies for each group were analysed using chi-square test and man whitney U test.

Results: the test result shows there were no significant differences in radiographic and microscopic evaluation of CAD/CAM PMMA crown and CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia crown.


It is found that radiographically, PMMA crown had greater marginal discrepancy as compared to the Zirconia crown. Microscopically, PMMA crown and the CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia crown had almost similar marginal discrepancy (statistically non- significant).


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4. Bona AD, Pecho OE, Alessandretti R. Zirconia as a dental biomaterial. Materials.

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5. Park Jongil. Radiographic evaluation consistency of CAD/CAM crowns and conventional crown with different clinician [dissertation]. school of dental medicine Tuff university; 2015
6. Atlas A, Isleem W, Bergler M, Fraiman HP, Walter R, Lawson ND. Factors Affecting the Marginal Fit of CAD/CAM Restorations and Concepts to Improve Outcomes. Current Oral Health Reports. 2019 Dec;6(4):277-83.
7. McLean JW. The estimation of cement film thickness by an in vivo technique. Br dent j. 1971;131:107-11.
8. .Amestoy H, Diego P, Meaurio E, Muñoz J, Sarasua JR. Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Poly (ε-caprolactone) Reinforced with Barium Sulfate Submicron Particles. Materials. 2021 Jan;14(9):2368.
9. Park Jongil. Radiographic evaluation consistency of CAD/CAM crowns and conventional crown with different clinician [dissertation]. school of dental medicine Tuff university; 2015

10. .Dureja I, Yadav B, Malhotra P, Dabas N, Bhargava A, Pahwa R. A comparative evaluation of vertical marginal fit of provisional crowns fabricated by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing technique and direct (intraoral technique) and flexural strength of the materials: An in vitro study. The Journal of the Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2018 Oct;18(4):314
1. Singla M, Padmaja K, Arora J, Shah A. Provisional restoration in fixed prosthodontics. Int Dent Res. 2014;1(4):148-51
2. Zafar MS. Prosthodontic applications of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA): an update. Polymers. 2020 Oct;12(10):2299.
3. Yildirim D, Ermis RB, Gormez O, Yildiz G. Comparison of radiopacities of different flowable resin composites. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. 2014 Jan 1;2(1):21
4. Bona AD, Pecho OE, Alessandretti R. Zirconia as a dental biomaterial. Materials.

2015 Aug;8(8):4978-91.

5. Park Jongil. Radiographic evaluation consistency of CAD/CAM crowns and conventional crown with different clinician [dissertation]. school of dental medicine Tuff university; 2015
6. Atlas A, Isleem W, Bergler M, Fraiman HP, Walter R, Lawson ND. Factors Affecting the Marginal Fit of CAD/CAM Restorations and Concepts to Improve Outcomes. Current Oral Health Reports. 2019 Dec;6(4):277-83.
7. McLean JW. The estimation of cement film thickness by an in vivo technique. Br dent j. 1971;131:107-11.
8. .Amestoy H, Diego P, Meaurio E, Muñoz J, Sarasua JR. Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Poly (ε-caprolactone) Reinforced with Barium Sulfate Submicron Particles. Materials. 2021 Jan;14(9):2368.
9. Park Jongil. Radiographic evaluation consistency of CAD/CAM crowns and conventional crown with different clinician [dissertation]. school of dental medicine Tuff university; 2015

10. .Dureja I, Yadav B, Malhotra P, Dabas N, Bhargava A, Pahwa R. A comparative evaluation of vertical marginal fit of provisional crowns fabricated by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing technique and direct (intraoral technique) and flexural strength of the materials: An in vitro study. The Journal of the Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2018 Oct;18(4):314
How to Cite
Dr diksha rajput, dr anup vyas, dr sumeet jain, dr kavita maru, dr komal bhatia, & Dr Smit Palan. (2023). Comparative Microscopic and Radiographic Evaluation of Proximal Marginal Integrity of CAD/CAM PMMA Crown and CAD/CAM Zirconia Monolithic Crown- An In-vitro Study. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(3).