Assessment of Palmar Patterns and Dermatoglyphics in Oral Cancer Patients of Bareilly City: An Observational Study


  • Adeeba Saleem Post Graduate
Keywords: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Dermatoglyphics, Preventive measures


Background and objectives: Dermatoglyphics are the dermal ridge configuration on the digits, palms and soles. Dermatoglyphics may be used as an easily accessible tool in the study of genetically induced diseases as genetic or chromosomal defects may be expressed as alterations in dermal ridges. They are genetically determined and influenced by environmental forces that are operating before birth. Several studies have shown an association between dermatoglyphics and different types of cancer. Hence this study was undertaken to determine whether specific dermatoglyphic patterns exist that help in predicting the occurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma.

Aim: This study was conducted to study palmar and dermatoglyphic patterns in oral carcinomas patients in Bareilly city.

Material and method: Our study was conducted among 59 subjects having oral cancer in Bareilly city. A modified case history proforma and comprehensive history was taken. Finger and palm prints were collected from Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients using the digital method and were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using an appropriate statistical test.

Results: Finger and palm prints were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. Significant findings in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma in both hands were: Increased frequency of Loops and whorls, Loop patterns are common in Thenar/I1 area, Increased Total finger ridge count on the right hand, increased ab count on the left hand, more atd angle on the left hand.

Conclusion: Our study concluded that dermatoglyphic patterns may have a role in identifying individuals either with or at risk for developing oral squamous cell carcinoma. It can be used to identify high-risk group so that early primary and secondary preventive measures can be instituted to prevent the occurrence of these lesions.


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How to Cite
Saleem, A. (2023). Assessment of Palmar Patterns and Dermatoglyphics in Oral Cancer Patients of Bareilly City: An Observational Study. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(2).
Original Research Paper