Paradigm shift in Biomaterials in Dentistry- From inert to active: A review

  • Deeksha Khurana
  • Deepak Raisingani
  • Dr. Ashwini B. Prasad
  • Dr. Ridhima Gupta
  • Dr. Anubha Singh MDS
Keywords: Biomimetics, Tissue Engineering, Biocompatible materials, Nature, Tissue scaffolds, Therapeutics, Osseointegration, Tissues, Biological Evolution, Therapeutics



Biomaterials engineered to interact with biological system for either  therapeutic (treat, augment, repair or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic purpose have underwent biological evolution over a period of time. This can be attributed to advent of new innovative technology combined with human curiosity for search of new materials that mimic biological tissues in terms of physical and chemical properties for orchestration of wound healing and tissue regeneration. The present review focus on the advancements biomaterials have undergone so far and new era of biomimetic dentistry.

How to Cite
Khurana, D., Raisingani, D., Prasad, D. A. B., Gupta, D. R., & Singh, D. A. (2023). Paradigm shift in Biomaterials in Dentistry- From inert to active: A review. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(2).