Management of Lingual Traumatic Fibroma in An Epileptic Patient Using Diode Laser

  • Farheen Kothiwal Dental College and Research center
  • Ellora Madan
  • Ritam C Pati
  • Vishal Kumar
Keywords: Traumatic fibroma, Excision, Diode Laser, Epileptic patient


Traumatic fibroma is a benign exophytic and reactive oral lesion that develops secondary to repetitive trauma or irritation. Most commonly affected sites are tongue, buccal mucosa, and lower labial mucosa. These are well demarcated, smooth, pedunculated or sessile, exophytic lesions which are similar to the surrounding mucosa in color. Generally, it is non-tender but local irritation may lead to painful ulceration. Treatment plan includes complete excision and removal of the cause of irritation. Excision can be done by scalpel, electrocautery or Laser.  The excision of the fibroma with diode laser is a safe procedure, with minimum postoperative discomfort and complications. Recurrences are rare but may occur due to repetitive trauma at the same site.


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How to Cite
Farheen, Ellora Madan, Ritam C Pati, & Vishal Kumar. (2022). Management of Lingual Traumatic Fibroma in An Epileptic Patient Using Diode Laser. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(1).