A Comparative Study of pH Changes, Releasing Elements and solubility of Bioceramic Sealers.

  • Bhumika Rathod Emdo
Keywords: Ceraseal; MTA Fillapex; pH; solubility



Introduction: Bioceramic technology has been introduced recently in endodontics to benefit from the hydroxyapatite formation during the setting reaction in the presence of tissue fluid and establish a chemical bond at the dentin interface.

Aim: To compare the physiochemical properties (pH changes, releasing elements and solubility) of different newer Bioceramic sealer (Ceraseal) with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA-Fillapex) sealers.

Material and Method: Samples were prepared by using three different injectable sealer placed in 20 ring moulds, 10 of each sealer. Each sample was prepared with an internal diameter of 10 mm and a height of 3mm. The samples were digitally weighed to register the mass of each specimen before and after immersion in distilled water. The pH value was measured by a digital pH meter, releasing elements measured in atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and solubility measured in digital weighed machine. After 1, 7, 14 and 28 days, pH changes, released elements and solubility was the data obtained calculated and statistically analysed.

Results: Ceraseal Sealer exhibited high alkaline pH over time and also showed significantly higher solubility (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Bioceramic sealer shows more alkalinity and calcium ion release compared to the MTA sealer. The alkalinity nature of the bioceramic sealer, corresponds to the increase in solubility. So bioceramic sealer are more alkaline, calcium releasing and soluble.



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How to Cite
Rathod, B. (2022). A Comparative Study of pH Changes, Releasing Elements and solubility of Bioceramic Sealers. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.21276//ujds.2023.9.1.2
Original Research Paper