To evaluate the knowledge and awareness of Dental Implants and Periimplantitis among students of HCDSH, Hazaribag, Jharkhand: A Questionnaire Survey
Introduction: Dental implants are widely accepted as a prosthetic treatment of completely or partially edentulous patients ever since the concept of Osseo integration has been accepted. However, there is a lack of information regarding the knowledge of Dental Implants and especially, the awareness of Peri-implantitis among students.
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and awareness of Dental Implants and Peri-implantitis among students of HCDSH, Hazaribag, Jharkhand.
Materials and Method: A cross sectional Survey was conducted among 210 participants which included both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of HCDSH, Hazaribag, Jharkhand using a self-explanatory questionnaire. The awareness about maintaining the hygiene for dental implants, cost, advantages, disadvantages and also knowledge about periimplantitis was assessed and the results were tabulated.
Results: 98.5% of students had heard about dental implants. 64.4% students cited high cost as the biggest disadvantage of a dental implant. Only 54.7% of students had heard about Periimplantitis. 59.8% of students didn’t know the clinical features of Periimplantitis. 68.8% of students had never heard of peri implant mucositis. 68.5% of students were clueless when it came to the clinical feature of Peri implant mucositis and 65.2% of students did not know the sequelae for Peri implant disease.
Conclusion: The results of the present survey showed that the majority of the students were largely aware about dental implants but a significant majority of them were unaware about periimplantitis.
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