Transpalatal Arch and its Modifications

  • Pallavi Vishavkarma Pallavi PG Student MDS Orthodontics
  • Sanjay Mittal
  • Tanzin Papkit
  • Merry
Keywords: Transpalatal arch,Goshgerian appliance.anchorage,molar distalisation,expansion, scissor bite.


Versatility has become key feature for an appliance to be chosen for any orthodontic treatment, one such appliance is transpalatal arch (TPA) which has numerous advantages while using in fixed orthodontic treatment. TPA not only provides additional anchorage but also used for active movement of individual teeth. The aim of this article is to present a broad review of the literature by including various modifications of TPA and their indications, to better assist the clinician for using it in different case


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How to Cite
Pallavi, P. V., Isha Aggarwal, Mittal, S., Papkit, T., & Merry. (2022). Transpalatal Arch and its Modifications. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 8(4).