One- stage indirect sinus augmentation: A Clinical Report

  • Darshana Mundhe Assistant professor, Bharati Dental College And Hospital, Pune
  • Prakash Kalke Assistant Professor, SIHS, Pune
  • Vasantha Vijayaraghavan Professor, Bharati Dental College And Hospital, Pune.
  • Madhura Jadhav Associate Professor, Bharati Dental College And Hospital, Pune.
Keywords: maxillary sinus, minimally invasive, one- stage, osteotomes, sinus augmentation techniques, xenograft.


The success of implant therapy depends upon proper case selection, executed with good surgical protocol and proven by radiographic and functional outcome. This clinical report presents successful outcome of one- stage indirect sinus augmentation technique using osteotomes.


How to Cite
Mundhe, D., Kalke, P., Vijayaraghavan, V., & Jadhav, M. (2021). One- stage indirect sinus augmentation: A Clinical Report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 8(1).