Comparative Evaluation and Effectiveness of Audiovisual and Audio Distraction Aid in Managing Pediatric Dental Patients

  • Dr. Pallavi Sharma CAREER DENTAL COLLEGE
Keywords: : Dental fear, Pain, Anxiety, Behaviour Management, Audio Distraction, Virtual Reality.


Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of audiovisual and audio distraction aid in reducing anxiety of pediatric patients aged 4-8 years old while undergoing various stressful and invasive dental procedures.
Material and Method: 75 patients aged between 4-8 years were selected, out of which 73 were fulfilling the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. Therefore, 73 children were randomly assigned into three group including control and experimental, the Audio Group, Audiovisual Group and Control Group. Each child underwent four dental visits. In each visit, after the procedures were completed, the anxiety levels of the children were measured by the following means- Venham’s picture test, Venham’s clinical anxiety rating scale, Measurement of Pulse rate.
Result: Both the audio and audiovisual distraction provided significant result by lesser anxiety in the children as compared to those without any distraction when measured physiologically (pulse oximeter). However audiovisual distraction was even better in reducing anxiety when measured psychologically (Venham Clinical Anxiety Rating Scale).
Conclusion: Audiovisual and audio distraction techniques provided effective distraction in children of age group 4-8 years, during complex dental procedures, in alleviating anxiety when compared to the children treated in normal dental setup.


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How to Cite
Sharma, D. P. (2021). Comparative Evaluation and Effectiveness of Audiovisual and Audio Distraction Aid in Managing Pediatric Dental Patients . UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(3).