Incidence of Maxillary Sinus Abnormalities in Asymptomatic Patients: A CBCT Study.
Background: Cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) when imaged for maxillary jaw generally depicts maxillary sinus. This region is frequently neglected by dentist and maxillofacial radiologist. Signs and symptoms in odontogenic diseases of the jaw and the maxillary sinus may overlap each other. A dental surgeon primarily encounters these lesions in routine dental radiographs..
Aim: The present study was undetaken to evaluate the occurrence of maxillary sinus anomalies in CBCT images of asymptomatic patients and to determine their prevalence, type and location.
Materials and methods: Study consisted of 256 CBCT images of the patients depicting maxillary sinus who has been advised limited volume CBCT as part of routine dental investigation for implant planning, orthodontic assessment, oral surgical procedure, oral pathology etc.. The CBCT images were scrutinized for various maxillary sinus pathologies like mucosal thickening, opacification, polyp and retention pseudocyst
Result: Out of 236 subjects, 106 (44.9%) presented with maxillary sinus abnormalities. The maxillary sinus abnormalities which were found in the study were as follows, mucosal thickening 60 (25.4%), opacification 32 (13.6%), sinus polyp 8 (3.4%) and retention pseudocyst 6 (2.5%). Right maxillary sinus were involved in 58 (24.6%) cases and left in 44 (18.6%) cases respectively, whereas bilateral sinus involvement was seen in 4 (1.7%) cases.
Conclusion: The results are suggestive of high incidence of abnormalities in asymptomatic maxillary sinus. Thus a prompt recognition of these abnormalities by dental surgeons and referral to specialist may help in treating these diseases at an early stage.
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