Rehabilitation of severly resorbed mandibular ridge with implant supported overdenture with magnet attachment : A case report.

  • Dr. Rajeev Srivastava
  • Dr. Sourabh Khandelwal
  • Dr. Vivek Choukse
  • Dr. Pallavi Mundra PG student
Keywords: Magnet attachment, implant overdenture, overdenture, implant attachment.


Magnets have been used widely in the field of dentistry for many years with some success, as they can be manufactured in small dimensions as a retentive devices in overdenture technique, maxillofacial prosthesis and obturators. These magnet attachment attached to osseointegrated implants which transfer the occlusal load to the bone, thereby prevent resorption of remaining alveolar bone and improves the retention and stability of the denture. Magnetic assembly consist of magnet and  ferromagnetic metal keeper. More recently, magnets have been made from alloys of the rare earth elements samarium and neodymium, which provides stronger magnetic force per unit size. Magnets are sealed by means of the latest laser lasing techniques thus protect magnet from corrosion in oral cavity. The present article demonstrates the rehabilitation of completely edentulous patient with the help of implant supported mandibular overdenture with magnet attachment and conventional maxillary denture.


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How to Cite
Srivastava, D. R., Khandelwal, D. S., Choukse, D. V., & Mundra, D. P. (2021). Rehabilitation of severly resorbed mandibular ridge with implant supported overdenture with magnet attachment : A case report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(3).