Evaluation of soft tissue cephalometric evaluation using Holdaway analysis in district Solan population.
INTRODUCTION: The soft tissue of the face requires an independent appraisal besides skeletal and dental analysis to comprehensively diagnose and plan treatment to meet objectives of orthodontic treatment leading to a pleasing profile. Soft tissue envelope of face plays an important role in esthetics, functional balance and facial harmony. AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate soft tissue cephalometric evaluation using Holdaway analysis in district Solan population. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study was conducted in the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Bhojia Dental College, Baddi, Distt. Solan(HP). Pretreatment lateral cephalograms of 60 subjects(30 males and 30 females) with Class II division 1 were taken. The patients aged between 12 and 26 years. Each of them fulfilled the following criteria, proclined maxillary anteriors, increased overjet, increased overbite, incompetent lips. Various cephalometric landmarks were identified and marked according to Holdaway analysis. The following measurements were recorded: Facial angle, H-line angle, upper sulcus depth, skeletal convexity at point A, Nose prominence, soft tissue subnasale to H-line, basic upper lip thickness, upper lip thickness, upper lip strain, lower lip to H-line, lower sulcus depth, soft tissue chin thickness. RESULTS: In the present study, significant variations were seen in facial angle, H-line angle, upper lip strain and lower sulcus depth when comparison of cephalometric measurement changes between males and females was done. CONCLUSION: District Solan population showed significant difference in facial profile with more facial angle in females and more H-line angle, upper lip strain and lower sulcus depth in males.
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