Assessment of need of orthodontic treatment in south Bhopal population, India using Dental Health Component and Aesthetic Component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Needs for providing better local health services to the population with an impact
Aims & Objectives:
Aim of the present study is to identify the most common types of malocclusion present in the area and categories the malocclusion according to severity and priority using IOTN as a reliable tool to provide better local health services.
Materials and Methods:
Clinical examination of 500 subjects in natural light was done and intra oral photos of 500 subjects were taken. Assessment of orthodontic treatment needs for improving local health services using IOTN as a reliable epidemiological tool in subjects between 13 to 25 years of age group (13- 18 age group 240 subjects and 18-25 age group 260 subjects) to prioritize and standardize orthodontic treatment and needs. Out of these 279 are males and 221 are females. The study consists of a survey using indices of orthodontic treatment and needs (IOTN) with DHC and AC. DHC and AC were recorded separately, and were calculated only by using clinical examination and intra oral photography compared to the standard chart of IOTN.
The DHC results in subjects were found to be distributed as follows 70 subjects in no need 228 subjects in little need, 97 subject in moderate or borderline needs, 56 subjects in severe needs, and 49 subjects in category of very severe needs for treatment
Our study reported that more than 40% of individual in the need category which might have if remained undiagnosed or not facilitated by the orthodontic treatment .This study provides a data on the need of orthodontic treatment in the chosen sample of south Bhopal population, INDIA for improving local health services to the population with an impact .Also we concluded that IOTN is simple, less time consuming and highly reproducible.
Statistics used; CHI SQUARE TEST
Index of orthodontic treatment needs, orthodontic treatment need, aesthetic component, dental health component, epidemiological tool.
Source of Support: Financial support nil.
Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical clearance: Yes
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