A Pressure Cup Denture Pre-eminent to Oronasal Communication: A Case Report

a surgical closure of oronasal communication using posteriorly based palatal rotational flap

  • sardar singh yadav sardar Rama University
Keywords: palatal fistula, mucoperiosteal flap, obturator


: In this case report, we present a surgical closure of 62 years old women diagnosed with oronasal communication using posteriorly based palatal rotational flap. For obtaining the satisfactory outcomes for construction of complete denture with adequate retention in maxilla use of the suction cups is one of the technique. Palatal suction cups induce negative pressure on mucosal surface and provides the high retention excruciating to palatal perforation. An oronasal fistula is a pathologic epithelium-lined communication between the nasal and oral cavities. An obturator is placed to prevent from further infection. There are various methods of surgical closure depending on the size and destruction of tissues around the fistula. Palatal obturators are frequently used in the initial treatment of postoperative palatal fistulae to address the associated problems experienced with speech and swallowing.

Author Biography

sardar singh yadav sardar, Rama University

srenior lecturer


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How to Cite
sardar, sardar singh yadav. (2021). A Pressure Cup Denture Pre-eminent to Oronasal Communication: A Case Report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.21276//ujds.2021.7.2.23