Bioactive Material in Pediatric Dentistry

  • DR AKHAND PRATAP SINGH Singh Sardar Patel post graduate Institute of dental and medical sciences Lucknow
Keywords: Bioactivity, Bioresponsive Biomimetic, Biocompatibility, Biomineralization, Repair/ regeneration, Nanocomposite.


A new generation of bioactive materials which has been developed during the last ten years has been used in every field of dentistry and medicine. These bioactive materials are able to release calcium, phosphate and other specific ions to help rebuild demineralized dentin and enamel. These materials are broadly used in the field of conservative dentistry for regeneration, repair and reconstruction. These materials are available in different form and composition that acts directly on vital tissue inducing its healing and repair. These materials directly function because of induction of various growth factors and different cells. New innovations are necessary to continue to help reinforce existing technologies and to introduce new paradigms for treating dental disease and restoring teeth seriously compromised by caries lesions via biomimetic and more biological operative approaches. Bioactive materials with nanoscale structure, including nanomedicine, nanodevices, nanomaterials, such as nanofibres and nanocomposites, can be designed and produced from natural biopolymers, synthetic polymers and inorganic substances. The nanocomposite-based scaffold allows for cell growth, yielding a unique composite system.


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How to Cite
Singh, D. A. P. S. (2021). Bioactive Material in Pediatric Dentistry. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(2).