Excision of Lower Lip Mucocele Using Scalpel and Diode Laser: Two Case Reports
The term “Mucocele” originates from Latin words ‘mucus’ which means ‘fluid’ and ‘coele’ which means ‘cavity’. It is defined as the accumulation of mucus in the oral cavity’s subepithelial tissue secreted from salivary glands and their ducts. It is a frequently occurring salivary gland lesion which is seen in the oral cavity. They occur as mucus extravasation and mucus retention type. They may be obstructive in nature and occur due to trauma to a minor salivary gland duct which results in pooling in the epithelial tissue. Clinically, a mucocele appears as a typical blue colored dome shaped swelling which is soft in consistency and contains salivary fluid. It lies superficial or deeply attached to the tissues.
Management of mucocele includes surgical excision, marsupialization, micro marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser vaporization, and laser excision. Recently, high - intensity lasers have been proven to be more beneficial than conventional surgery as it causes prompt hemostasis, minimal blood loss and reduced healing time of the site.
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