Comparative evaluation of Cention N and Amalgam in Class II posterior restorations.

  • Anshu Minocha HP Government Dental College, Shimla
  • Vishal Sharma HP Government Dental College, Shimla
  • Ashu Gupta HP Govt Dental College Shimla
  • Neha Sharma HP Government Dental College, Shimla
Keywords: Keywords: Cention N, Class II cavity, Amalgam


Aim of the study: To compare the clinical performance of Amalgam with Cention N in Class II cavities.

 Methodology : After ethical approval, fifty patients were selected as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria and Class II cavities were prepared and divided into two groups by simple randomization. In one group the cavities were restored with Amalgam using standard protocols and in the second group the cavities were restored with Cention N. At 1 week, 3 months and 6 months the restorations were evaluated for parameters specified by modified USPHS Criteria for dental restorations.

Conclusion: The study showed that there was no significant difference in the performance of both the materials in the given time frame. It can therefore be concluded that Cention N can be used as an alternate to Amalgam in Class II posterior restorations.


Author Biographies

Anshu Minocha, HP Government Dental College, Shimla


Deptt.  of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Vishal Sharma , HP Government Dental College, Shimla

Professor and Head, HP Govt Dental College Shimla

Ashu Gupta, HP Govt Dental College Shimla

Dean and Principal, HP Govt Dental College Shimla

Neha Sharma, HP Government Dental College, Shimla



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How to Cite
Minocha, A., Sharma , V., Gupta, A., & Sharma, N. (2021). Comparative evaluation of Cention N and Amalgam in Class II posterior restorations . UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(1).