A Study of anxiety and fear level in dental practitioners from coronavirus and need of clinical practice modification to combat Covid -19
An outbreak of novel corona virus (COVID-19) in China has influenced several aspects of the life of healthcare professionals, especially dentists, who are actually exposed to a higher risk of getting infected due to close interaction with their patients during treatments.
The study was conducted to understand the anxiety and fear level of dental practitioners in getting infected during practice in the current corona virus (COVID-19) situation. In addition, also to evaluate their awareness about various practice modifications needed or required to combat COVID-19 during clinical practice.
A cross-sectional study was conducted by an online survey from 3rd Aug to 8th Sept 2020. For the central region, a well-defined survey was planned at Google doc. A total of 239 participants from 16 different states of India had responded. Post scrutiny, completed questionnaires (n = 210) were included in the study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25. Chi-Square and tests were applied
The fear and anxiety levels of dentists are found as; 69% of participants were afraid getting infected from a patient visiting their clinics. 74.8% were scared while providing treatment to patients. 47.1% felt suggest or think not to do practice until the number of COVID-19 patient cases decreases.54.3% participants felt anxiety and scared while interacting to patients while treatments, 81% have fear to carry the infection from clinic to their home and can get their family infected. 40% were afraid of getting quarantined and 59.5% were concerned about the cost of treatment on the off chance if get Infected. Dental practitioners are in a state of anxiety and fear while treating their patients due to the pandemic impact around the community. A number of dental practitioners have either modified their clinical practice process as per recommended guidelines for emergency treatment only, or closed down clinics for an uncertain period.
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