Comparative evaluation of dentinal crack after using reciprocating and continuous single file systems: An invitro study.

  • Vivek Kumar Pathak Maharana pratap College Of Dentistry and Research Centre, Gwalior,M.P.
  • Kanchi Jain Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry & Research Centre, Gwalior.
  • Ashish Sharma Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry & Research Centre, Gwalior.
  • Kaushal Singh Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry   & Research Centre, Gwalior
  • Tarun Saxena Seema Dental College and Hospital, Rishikesh,
  • Kushal Gangli IDEAS College, Gwalior
Keywords: Dentinal cracks; Reciprocal File; Single rotary file system; Stereomicroscope.


Introduction: The most critical stage in every endodontic procedure is the biomechanical preparation. Variations in tip designs, taper, and rake angles account for stress concentration and dehydration in dentinal contact walls during root canal instrumentation leading to crack formation. The present study aimed to evaluate dentinal crack formation during root canal instrumentation using various file systems.

Method: Eighty extracted mandibular premolars were selected and divided into three groups. Study samples in Group I (n=32) group IA {Wave One Gold (WOG)}, and group IB {Reciproc (R25)} were prepared with reciprocating files; in Group II (n=32) group IIA {OneShape (OS)}, and group IIB {F360 (F6)} with continuous file system and Group III was control group (unprepared teeth, n=16). Samples were sectioned horizontally to long axis of root at 3, 6, and 9 mm of root, and were subjected to stereomicroscope examination at 25X magnification to analyze the crack propagation.

Result: All the study groups showed cracks. Group WOG manifested statistically fewer microcracks in roots when compared with other groups and F6 showed the maximum number of microcracks. The relation was found to be significant among all the experimental groups (p-value <0.05).

Conclusion: All single file systems can initiate cracks during root space preparation. Wave One Gold system was proved to be most efficient, followed by other single file instruments.

Author Biographies

Kanchi Jain, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry & Research Centre, Gwalior.
  • PG Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics,
Ashish Sharma, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry & Research Centre, Gwalior.

PG Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 

Kaushal Singh, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry   & Research Centre, Gwalior

PG student, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 

Tarun Saxena, Seema Dental College and Hospital, Rishikesh,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 

Kushal Gangli, IDEAS College, Gwalior

Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 


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How to Cite
Pathak , V. K., Jain, K., Sharma, A., Singh, K., Saxena, T., & Gangli, K. (2021). Comparative evaluation of dentinal crack after using reciprocating and continuous single file systems: An invitro study. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 6(3), 22-26. Retrieved from