Factors for crowding in the early mixed dentition stage

  • Karuna Sharma Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur
  • Anil Kohli Rama Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre,Kanpur,
  • Ashish Katiyar Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur
  • Sujit Panda Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur
  • Rahul Katyayan Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur
Keywords: Crowding, Arch length, Early mixed dentition


Objective:  To  find  out  the  factors  responsible  for  crowding  in  the  early  mixed  dentition. 

Materials  and  methods:  60  dental  casts  of  children  in  their  early  mixed  dentition  (  30  boys  and  30  girls)  were  divided  into  crowded  and  noncrowded  groups.  Comparison  were  made  between  the  two  groups  according  to  following  criterion:  -(1) space  available  for  permanent  lower  incisors, (2) total  incisor  width, (3) deciduous  intermolar  width, (5) permanent  intermolar  width, (6) interalveolar  width, (7) total  arch  length.  Correlation  of  the  measurements  with  crowding  was  also  evaluated. 

Statistical  analysis  used: Data  was  analysed  using  STATA-12.0  (STATA  SE,  StataCorp., Texas,  USA).  Means,  standard  deviation,  and  medians  were  calculated  for  describing  the data.  Data  was   tested  for  normality  using  Shapiro-Wilks  test.  Since  all  variables  were found  to  be  non-normally  distributed,  therefore  comparison  of  all  measurements  between the  crowded  and  non-crowded  groups  was  done  using  Wilcoxon  ranksum  test  (Mann-Whitney test).  All  values  were  considered  statistically  significant  for  a  value  of  p<0.05.

Results:  Mandibular  deciduous  intercanine  width  was  significantly  larger  in  Noncrowded  Group.  The  space  available  for  the  mandibular  permanent  incisors  and  total  arch  length  were  significantly  larger  in  Noncrowded  Group.  The  correlation  analysis  indicated  significant  correlations  between  crowding  and  available  space,  intercanine  width,  intermolar  width  I.  No  significant  correlation  was  found  between  crowding  and  intermolar  width  II,  permanent  intermolar  width,  and  interalveolar  width. 

Conclusion:  Procedures  which  preserve  the  arch  length  such  as  timely  restoration  of  proximal  caries,  prevention  of  premature  loss  of  deciduous  teeth  and  use  of  space  maintainers  such  as  lingual  arch  may  prove  useful  in  alleviating  crowding.

Author Biographies

Karuna Sharma, Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur

Senior Lecturer

Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,

Anil Kohli, Rama Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre,Kanpur,

Professor  & Head,

Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,

Ashish Katiyar, Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur


Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,

Sujit Panda, Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur


Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics

Rahul Katyayan, Rama Dental College and Hospital, Kanpur

Senior Lecturer

Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry


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How to Cite
Sharma, K., Kohli, A., Katiyar, A., Panda, S., & Katyayan, R. (2021). Factors for crowding in the early mixed dentition stage. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 6(3), 44-49. https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2020.6.3.10