Dr. Effectiveness Of Periorbital Eye Massager Versus Aculief Acupressure Device for Reducing Anxiety In Children During Pit And Fissure Sealant Application.

Keywords: Aculief Acupressure Device, Periorbital Eye Massager, Animated Emoji Scale, Dental Anxiety, Heart Rate.


Background/Purpose: To assess the impact of an aculief acupressure device on reducing dental anxiety in children, and to compare its efficacy with that of a periorbital eye massager.

Objective: To mitigate stress and dental anxiety in children aged four to seven years, by means of a periorbital eye massager or LI4 acupressure device during dental treatment.

Methods: In this study, thirty children aged between four and seven years, who require pit and fissure sealant application, will be selected. These children will be divided into two groups: Group I will use a Periorbital Eye Massager (PEM), and Group II will use an Aculif Acupressure Device. After receiving instructions on how to use the devices, the participants will undergo dental treatment. Anxiety levels in both groups will be measured before and during the dental treatment using an Animated Emoji Scale (AES) and a pulse oximeter. The collected data will be analysed using the Student t-test.

Result: - Upon comparing the mean scores of both groups, the differences were not statistically significant. This was true for both the AES as a measure of subjective anxiety and HR as a measure of objective anxiety. These findings suggest that while both interventions resulted in similar levels of anxiety during treatment.

Conclusion: - Neither the periorbital eye massager Nor the Aculief acupressure device demonstrated a statistically significant advantage in reducing anxiety


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How to Cite
RAJKUMAR DUSEJA, N., BAHUGUNA, R., AHMED, A., & VEERKHARE, S. (2024). Dr. Effectiveness Of Periorbital Eye Massager Versus Aculief Acupressure Device for Reducing Anxiety In Children During Pit And Fissure Sealant Application. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2024.10.4.3