Effect of combined therapy of oral levamisole with topical doxycycline in management of oral lichen planus - A Clinical Trial

  • Kavya B T Assistant professor
Keywords: Combined Therapy, Levamisole, Oral lichen planus, topical doxycycline.



Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic, mucosal inflammatory disease with a probable immune mediated etiopathogenesis. There are multiple treatment modalities in which corticosteroids are the most commonly used drugs to manage OLP. To minimize the adverse effects of steroid therapy, steroid-sparing agents have gained popularity in the management of  OLP. Levamisole and doxycycline are two pharmacological agents with  anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating  properties which can be considered for treatment of oral lichen planus. Aim: To evaluate the effect of combined therapy of oral levamisole with topical doxycycline in management of oral lichen planus. Method: 20 clinically and histopathologically diagnosed, symptomatic OLP patients were administered 50mg of  oral levamisole with topical application of 5% doxycycline for three months. Signs, symptoms, and subjective treatment scores were evaluated at baseline and 3 months. Lesion recurrence was checked 3 months post completion of therapy. Results: Statistically significant reduction in signs and symptoms scores was seen with the administered regimen. A recurrence of 15% was seen post completion of therapy which was statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Dual therapy of oral levamisole with topical doxycycline is a feasible and effective treatment regimen in management of OLP with minimal recurrence rate.

Keywords: Combined Therapy, Levamisole, Oral lichen planus,  topical doxycycline.



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How to Cite
B T, K. (2024). Effect of combined therapy of oral levamisole with topical doxycycline in management of oral lichen planus - A Clinical Trial. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(3). Retrieved from https://ujds.in/index.php/ujds/article/view/1272
Oral Medicine Maxillofacial Radiology