The Essential Guide to Managing morphological oddity of Two-rooted Mandibular Premolar: A case report with review of 10 years incidence

Managing morphological oddity of Two-rooted Mandibular Premolar: A case report

  • Rasleen Dua author
  • Anshul Gangwar
  • Sriparna De
Keywords: Accessory root, Mandibular premolar, Root canal therapy.


Introduction- The root canal morphology of teeth is often extremely complex and highly variable. One such morphological oddity is the presence of two roots, with a reported incidence of 1.8%.

Case- A 16-year-old female patient complains of pain in the posterior left mandibular tooth for the past 2 weeks. After clinical, radiographic examination, and vitality testing, we diagnosed the patient with Acute apical periodontitis of tooth #34. It was decided to treat the left mandibular first premolar with two roots endodontically. The patient was reviewed after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months , 1 year and radiographs showed satisfactory healing.

 Conclusion- This case report details the endodontic management of a sparse case of mandibular first premolar with two roots and two canals, which ended with a favorable outcome due to the satisfactory execution of the preferred constituents.


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How to Cite
Dua, R., Gangwar, A., & De, S. (2024). The Essential Guide to Managing morphological oddity of Two-rooted Mandibular Premolar: A case report with review of 10 years incidence. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(2).