Management of irritational fibroma with LASER & photo-biomodulation: A case report

  • Dr Yasir S. Khan
Keywords: Keywords: Irritational fibroma, Fibroepithelial hyperplasia, Diode LASER, Minimal bleeding, Improved healing, Photo-biomodulation



Traumatic or irritational fibroma is a benign exophytic tumour or neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue origin that can be considered a reactionary connective tissue hyperplasia in response to trauma and irritation. They are clinically marked by solid well-demarcated rounded, sessile, or pedunculated growths covered by normal mucosa and are a relatively uncommon lesion. Local trauma can generate ulceration of these lesions. They are usually seen on the maxillary gingival margin but can appear on any intra-oral site. These lesions are more common in adults. Simple, complete excision and removal of the cause of irritation are the preferred treatment. The use of LASER in different dental procedures has become very common and preferred treatment modality. LASER has obvious benefits for all the patients without administering anaesthetic shots and that means less time spent in the dental chair. Procedures were performed more conservatively, with less trauma for patients. The excision of the fibroma with the diode laser is a safe, quick procedure, with minimum postoperative discomfort and complications. This paper reports the management of a gingival fibroma in a 21-year-old male with 940 nm diode LASER followed by photo-biomodulation for enhanced healing.


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How to Cite
Khan, Y., PURWAR, P., Tiwari, S., & TRIPATHI, H. (2024). Management of irritational fibroma with LASER & photo-biomodulation: A case report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(4).

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