“Prasadam” approach in pathology samples– Are we aware of the dangerous implications?

Grossing errors

  • Shweta Rehani Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Sciences & Research
  • Priyanka Kardam
  • Sneha Sethi
  • Vikas Kumar Sant
Keywords: Biopsy, Grossing, Histopathology


Grossing acts as the first step in the diagnostic journey provided a complete specimen is provided to the pathologist. It is the connecting link between the patient and the pathologist. However, sometimes the biopsy received by an oral pathologist is insufficient or inappropriate or from an unrepresentative site, which can lead to an erroneous diagnosis, leading to delay or at times wrong diagnosis. This article is to highlight such errors.


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How to Cite
Rehani, S., Priyanka Kardam, Sneha Sethi, & Vikas Kumar Sant. (2025). “Prasadam” approach in pathology samples– Are we aware of the dangerous implications?. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(4). Retrieved from https://ujds.in/index.php/ujds/article/view/1236