Endo-perio Lesions: An Enigma Tto Endodontists

endo perio lesions

  • Faiza Javed
  • Huma Iftekhar assistant professor
  • R K Tewari
  • S K Mishra
Keywords: Endo-periodontal lesion, endodontic, sulcus, canal


The connection between endodontic and periodontal issues has been a topic of debate and contention for years. Pulp and periodontal issues contribute significantly to tooth loss, with over 50% of cases attributed to them. Endo-perio lesions can arise from various causes, presenting challenges for clinicians in diagnosis and prognosis. A comprehensive understanding of these lesions' origins, along with the requisite skills for performing restorative, endodontic, or periodontal treatments either individually or in combination, is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management..This review article gives an insight on various aspects of endo perio lesions such as etiology,classification,diagnosis,prognosis and the management of these lesions

Author Biographies

Faiza Javed

junior resident,department of conservative dentistry & endodontics,AMU

R K Tewari

professor,department of conservative dentistry & endodontics,AMU,Aligarh

S K Mishra

professor,department of conservative dentistry & endodontics,AMU,Aligarh


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How to Cite
javed, faiza, iftekhar, huma, TEWARI, R. K., & mishra, surendra kumar. (2024). Endo-perio Lesions: An Enigma Tto Endodontists. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2024.10.3.17