Orthodontic Extrusion- An Approach to Restore Aesthetics, A Case Report

  • Dr. Shipra Singhal MDS
  • Dr. Abhinay Agarwal
  • Dr. Jyotsna Joshi
  • Dr. Mohammad Salman Akhtar


Orthodontic extrusion, a novel procedure that can preserve an otherwise unsalvable tooth, restore one's confidence, and rehabilitate the aesthetics. It is opted for its rapid and obvious results. A certain amount of force is applied to the tooth's long axis and is subjected to stretching and repositioning in the periodontal fibres without shifting the bone, which leads to rapid extrusion of the tooth. Although intriguing, it may lead to failure due to its limitations.

How to Cite
Singhal, D. S., Agarwal, D. A., Joshi, D. J., & Akhtar, D. M. S. (2024). Orthodontic Extrusion- An Approach to Restore Aesthetics, A Case Report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2024.10.4.15
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics