Exploring Oral Manifestations: Unveiling the Impact of Illicit Drug Abuse

Ilicit drugs affecting oral health

Keywords: Illicit drugs, oral health, dental diseases, substance use disorders, interdisciplinary collaboration.


Addiction to illicit drugs is a major global public health issue that has a profound impact on both individual and community well-being. Although the effects of illegal substances on the body have been thoroughly examined, little is known about how they affect dental health. This thorough analysis seeks to clarify the complex interactions between major illegal substances and oral health, including both direct and indirect impacts. The review also addresses the effects of substance usage on treatment results, patterns of dental care utilization, and quality of life related to oral health. It emphasizes how crucial it is for public health authorities, addiction experts, and dentists to work together collaboratively to address the oral health requirements of those with drug use disorders.

Author Biographies

Swathy S, National Health Mission, Kochi, Kerala

MBBS, Medical officer, MIST

Davis Nadakkavukkaran, Sree Anjaneya Institute of Dental Sciences

MDS, Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


MDS, Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


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How to Cite
S, S., S, A., Nadakkavukkaran, D., & Odiyil Padikadan , N. (2024). Exploring Oral Manifestations: Unveiling the Impact of Illicit Drug Abuse. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.21276//ujds.2024.10.2.20