Ameloblastic Fibroma of Mandibular Anterior Segment

  • dr updesh masih Sri Aurobindo College of dentistry, Indore
  • pooja mahay
  • vijay kumar
  • saurabh somani
Keywords: ameloblastic fibroma, odontogenic tumor, conservative treatment


Abstract: Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare odontogenic tumor occurring in first two decades of life. Various case reports have shown that conservative treatment is successful in such cases. This case report highlights a case of ameloblastic fibroma occurring in 11-year female which was successfully treated with endodontic treatment of teeth and surgical removal of the lesion.


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How to Cite
Masih, U., mahay, pooja, kumar, vijay, & somani, saurabh. (2024). Ameloblastic Fibroma of Mandibular Anterior Segment. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 10(2).