Paradigm Shift In Professionally Applied Fluoride Therapies For Arresting Caries : A Scoping Review
Fluoride has become an important tool in preventive dentistry. There is a scientific consensus regarding the benefit of an early optimum exposure to fluoride during the formative years of teeth, by maintaining a constant supply of low levels of fluoride, especially at the biofilm/saliva/ tooth interface in preventing dental caries. There has been an ongoing research to discover methods for enhancing fluoride effectiveness. For several years, toothpaste, mouth rinses, gels, varnishes, and other forms of fluoride treatment have been widely utilised as caries-preventive measures. The limited availability of fluoride from these agents has led to the advent of newer fluoride therapies in Pediatric Dentistry that aim to deliver fluoride over a longer period of time. The purpose of this scoping review is to highlight these advancements in professionally applied topical fluorides and to provide an insight into the paradigm shift in topical fluoride therapies that has occurred over the past decade.
Keywords : Topical fluorides, silver diamine fluoride, dental caries, varnishes
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