Digital Dentistry- An Advancement of Dentistry

Digital Dentistry- An Advancement of Dentistry

  • TP Chaturvedi BHU, Varanasi
Keywords: Digital Dentistry, Orthodontics, Diagnosis


Digital transformation is the universal outburst happening in every field of human life and touches every activity of us. Health sector is no exception for it. Continuous progress in information technology has made it possible to overcome the limitations and hurdles that existed in health related issues just a few times ago. Digital workflow in dentistry streamlines the working process, reduces treatment times, improves accuracy and overall enhances patient satisfaction.


Manerikar RV, Shah P, Tonde A, Sekhar G, Chaturvedi, TP, Bhosale V, Recent trends and Innovations in Dentistry; 2023, 1-15, Book-Recent trends in entrepreneurship and innovation, Publisher: RFI Publications in Dentistry, ISBN – “978-81-959741-1-5
How to Cite
Chaturvedi, T. (2023). Digital Dentistry- An Advancement of Dentistry. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(3).