Evaluation of Osteoporosis of Jaws Using Morphometric Indices in Panoramic Radiographs

  • Anumita Deka K.D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
  • Dr. Vinay Mohan K. D. Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
  • Dr. Anuj Gaur K. D. Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
  • Dr Kushdeep Kumar Gupta K. D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
  • Dr Nirmala Khanal K.D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
Keywords: Indices, Radiomorphometric, Panoramic radiographs, Osteoporosis



Background & Objectives: Osteoporosis affects many elderly individuals and may not be identified until fracture-related symptoms manifest. Osteoporosis must be identified early in order to allow both therapy and prevention. In contrast to panoramic radiography, which is often utilized in dentistry, access to osteoporosis screening is frequently restricted. This emphasizes the part that dentists play in the early detection of this condition. With this context, the goal of the current study is to use digital panoramic radiographs to analyze the radiomorphometric indices of the mandible.

Materials and Methods: The study's sample included 100 panoramic radiographs, 50 of which were of men and 50 of women, all of whom were between the ages of 30-80. The data that were collected were statistically analyzed.

Results: Aging was associated with a decline in GI. Only among females above the age of 51 did MI exhibit a drop in mean values. PMI showed a dramatic decline after age 40. Age-related increases in C2 and C3 categories. In comparison to female patients, male patients had considerably higher measured values for mental foramen width, mandibular canal width, GI and MI. Most C3 cortical appearances were observed in females.

Conclusion: Older females had a decreased mandibular cortical thickness. This study demonstrated the value of mental foramen and mandibular canal width, GI, MI PMI, and MCI in identifying patients with osteoporosis or low skeletal bone mineral densities. Therefore, it is recommended that oral physicians take on a special role in patient screening for the assessment of osteoporosis.


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How to Cite
Deka, A., Mohan, D. V., Gaur, D. A., Gupta, D. K. K., & Khanal, D. N. (2023). Evaluation of Osteoporosis of Jaws Using Morphometric Indices in Panoramic Radiographs. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2023.9.4.2