Striking the Equilibrium: Examining the Career-Family Balance of Female Dentists in India

  • Jyoti Agrawal
  • Prof. Rajesh Kumar Agrawal Government Medical College and Superfacility Hospital, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Key Words: Female Dentists, Consent, Career, Balance, Survey




Aims and objective


India is having more than 300 oral health educational institutions with higher ratio of female students. Therefore the issue of female oral healthcare professionals balancing career and family is becoming more precise. A married female has to create equilibrium between the two different spheres of her life-home and work. Aim of this research was to find out the challenges faced by a female Dentist.


Material and method


This study is being conducted by undertaking a national cross-sectional survey of working female dentists. A statistically significant number of female dentists of age 25-60 years were subjected to written consent form. After their consent a survey questionnaire was given to them to record how they balance their family and professional life.




Majority of Indian female dentists work full time in their private practice. No emotional distress on losing practice due to discomfort during pregnancy. Balance between professional work and house hold chores is maintained with the assistance of a house-help. They will keep themselves updated by joining professional associations and fore go joining social clubs for business


promotion to strike a balance in personal and professional life. Family is priority in need. They feel tired due to work load of home and profession.




Most of the time women have to sacrifice their professional life especially during pregnancy & illness of the children/other member.



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How to Cite
Agrawal, J., & Agrawal, R. K. (2023). Striking the Equilibrium: Examining the Career-Family Balance of Female Dentists in India. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(3).