A New Growth Prediction Method Involving Maxillofacial Hard and Soft Tissue Calibrations- A Radiological Analysis
A radiological growth prediction method using various cephalometric calibrations.
OBJECTIVE: Growth prediction is of key importance in pediatric patients as well as growing individuals opting for orthodontic or orthopedic treatment. The objective of this study is to assess a new growth prediction method involving maxillofacial hard and soft tissue calibrations. Orthodontic treatment is most favourable and effective during pubertal growth and hence growth assessment and prediction are significant in planning treatment for dental and maxillofacial abnormalities. It can also be helpful in diagnosis of various growth disorders in pediatric patients.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: The sample comprises of standardized lateral cephalometric radiograph with the size of 100 subjects including male and female of 8-16 years of age who visited Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. All cephalometric radiographs were taken and the chosen hard and soft tissue calibrations like ramus length and nasolabial angle and CVM staging were evaluated and correlated using One-way ANOVA and Spearman correlation.
RESULT: CVM staging showed positive correlation with ramus length and age but no correlation with nasolabial angle. One-way ANOVA showed highly significant correlation of age, NLA and RL values between different CVM stages and Spearman correlation showed highly significant correlation of CVM with age, NLA and RL
CONCLUSION: Growth can also be predicted from ramus length and age of the patient as the study shows positive correlation between CVM staging and ramus length but no correlation with nasolabial angle. The calibrations are correlated to each other as cvm directly proportional to ramus length and age and inversely proportional to nasolabial angle.
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