Efficacy of Socket Shield Technique for Immediate Implant Placement in Maxillary Anterior Region – A Case Series with Review.

Keywords: Socket shield Technique, Immediate Dental Implant Loading, Ridge preservation.


  • The socket-shield technique is the most crucial treatment modality for esthetic enhancement and ridge preservation technique but it has been less discussed and documented. This case series describes the placement of implants immediately following extraction of a non-restorable which are all fractured and hopeless maxillary teeth and using this technique and functional and esthetic outcomes of the treatment was a successful event.

    In this review, immediate implant were placed using socket shield protocol to treat ten patients with non-restorable teeth. Dissection was performed along the long axis of the roots in a mesiodistal direction; and atraumatically the buccal fragment of the root was left attached to the bone while the palatal fragment was extracted. Implants were placed after sequential osteotomy drilling. A customized healing abutment was fabricated chairside to create an emergence profile. During the prosthetic phase, patients had follow-up visits after 4 weeks and after 6 months. The definitive prosthesis was cemented using a cement-retained porcelain fused to metal.

Author Biography

Sreetama Taraphdar , Haldia Institute of Dental Sciences & Research

Assistant Professor

Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge


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How to Cite
Taraphdar , S., & Sarkar , A. (2023). Efficacy of Socket Shield Technique for Immediate Implant Placement in Maxillary Anterior Region – A Case Series with Review. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2023.9.3.23
Periodontology / Oral Implant