The Prevalence and Pattern of Early Childhood Caries In Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh- An Observational Study


  • Jyoti Thakur Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly
  • SUMIT MOHAN Associate Professor, Conservative, Endodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry , Dental Institute, RIMS,RANCHI
Keywords: Early childhood caries (ECC), Children, Nursing Bottle DMFT, DMFS, Chronic, subpopulation


Background: Dental caries is a disease of teeth that results due to demineralization and destruction of organic and inorganic components of oral cavity. Early childhood caries (ECC) is a serious dental problem that affects infants and toddlers.


Aim: To evaluate the incidence of early childhood caries in children between 3-6 years in Bareilly city.


Materials & Method: This cross sectional study was conducted among 1000 preschool children, 536 male and 464 females between the age of 3-6 years in Bareilly city. They were examined for dmft and dmfs.


Results: Prevalence of ECC was 56.6% (566/1000).  57.1% males (n=306) were affected from ECC while 260 female subjects (56.0%) were found to be having ECC. Out of the total teeth evaluated, 2170 (94.84%) were decayed, 96 (4.19%) were missing and only 22 (1.0%) were filled. Mandibular posterior region was the most commonly affected teeth.


Conclusion: The prevalence of ECC in children aged 3-6 in Bareilly district is approximately 57% which is  independent of the sex. The occlusal surface of the posterior teeth is the most common site for ECC. Dietary habits of the child, oral hygiene methods employed by the children and educational status of the mother play an important role in the incidence of ECC.



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How to Cite
Thakur, J., & MOHAN, S. (2021). The Prevalence and Pattern of Early Childhood Caries In Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh- An Observational Study. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(2).